Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Gold Fever Trail

We had to postpone our anniversary trip to Death Valley (hey, we needed someplace affordable and local! We've always wanted to visit the ominously named state park) so we went off-roading on the Gold Fever Trail for the day on Oct 9, 2007.

It begins just outside Big Bear and is roughly 16 miles of relatively rough terrain. The Explorer made it fine and, to be honest, the drive itself was more fun than the "landmarks" that draw people out there. The trail was built around certain goldmining landmarks that have now been proven historically inaccurate, which makes for a frustrating tour!

Most stops marked on the trail guide have since been worn away by time, erosion and visitors. Many explanations read, "This is the area where the famous brothel USED to be, but now we really have no idea where it was." or "People thought this was hangman's tree but now we know the real hangman's tree was several miles from here."

Remains of a more recent homestead. Wilbur's grave. There were no signs indication who Wilbur was, though!
One of the original homesteads. The meadows outside Big Bear were once populated be thousands of miners hoping to strike it rich.

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